Damage evaluation

No one is insured from force majeure situations that cause material damage. Damage valuation, that is, evaluation of costs that will be incurred by a citizen or legal entity

An independent expert evaluation of damage will allow defending your rights and fully receiving compensation. If you are the party that caused the damage, professional Appraising of the damage will protect you from unreasonable overstatement of the amount of compensation payments.

What cases is an independent damage evaluation required for?

  • Damage evaluation in flooding
  • Damage evaluation as a result of fire
  • Damage evaluation as a result of third party actions.
  • Damage evaluation as a result of an accident.
  • Damage evaluation due to natural disasters.
  • Evaluation of lost benefit

The specifics of the subject for appraising

Damage evaluation is a slightly different type of evaluation, and this type of evaluation is characterized by some specifics. The peculiarity of this type of expert evaluation is that it is not the property itself is being evaluated, but damage caused to it.

Only evaluators with sufficient experience and competence are able to competently and thoroughly identify the extent of damage and estimate the amount of compensation.

In a short time, our specialists will examine the property subjected to damage, draw up survey report and provide expert report wherein they will indicate how much the damage worths.

The cost of damage evaluation performed by specialists is based on the amount of work required.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

