Appraising of the railway transport

The appraising of railway transport is a special type of appraising work and it is identified as a separate class, since this process is characterized by fundamental difference from the appraising of other assets.

The appraising of railway transport is usually includes the appraising of traction equipment (locomotives, electric locomotives, etc.), non-traction equipment (freight and passenger cars), special rolling stock, as well as appraising of components and other parts of the railway transport.

The appraising of the railway transport is most often required in the following cases:

  • to determine the price during purchase and sale;
  • to use of railway transport as mortgage;
  • to contribute to the authorized capital of the enterprise;
  • to receive insurance payments;
  • to reappraise of fixed assets;
  • to execute court decisions;
  • to optimize taxation due to the write-off of old technical means;
  • to place under discretionary management or lease;
  • to liquidate and utilize machinery and equipment objects due to the impossibility or inexpediency of their further operation as before;

The specifics of the subject for appraising

The appraising of railway transport has its own specifics connected to the technical characteristics and features of operation of the appraised objects.

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Specialists of our company are well-versed in the features of modifications and models of transport and highly specialized equipment.

Our employees highly value the authority of the company, and you can always be sure that the independent appraising of railway transport will be performed competently, objectively and confidentially.  

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