
Inventory Appraising

Appraising of inventories - raw materials and materials, finished products (goods), materials in process - is conducted by each company independently in accordance with established accounting rules. But in some cases, such an appraising is not enough and there is a need to involve professional experts to get an independent appraising.

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Appraising of antiques

Appraising of antiques is a professional activity of establishing the value of antiques. It is carried out by evaluators - individuals and legal entities - using special rules and techniques. Type of antiques value depends on the objectives of the appraising (market, investment, collateral, etc.). Works of art, including antiques, are very specific types of property that have a number of properties distinguishing them from such more frequently encountered types of property as real estate, property complexes, cars and equipment, etc.

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Appraising of perennial plantations

Perennial plantations are objects of plant world, including trees, bushes, lawns, flower beds. Trees, bushes, lawns, flower beds, including those grown and used for gardening and decorative functions in streets, squares, parks, gardens, squares, in enterprises, in the courtyards of residential houses, in garden (village) houses), as well as hedges, snow and shelter belts, other artificial plantings are perennial plantations.

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Appraising, reappraisal of fixed assets

Appraising of the fixed assets is a reappraisal of fixed capital, which is conducted with sufficient regularity, the purpose of which is to bring the actual value to a real market indicator for accounting and analysis, calculations and economic forecasts, as well as to get the generalized average indicators and characteristics.

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Appraising of securities

Appraising of securities is a procedure for establishment of the market price of a wide variety of securities. A unique feature of the appraised objects in this case is that securities are one of the types of existence of capital, and, at the same time, securities are a commodity in circulation in a specialized stock market.

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Business appraising

Business appraising is the process of determination of the current market value of a business or its share in it. The need for the business appraising may arise for different reasons, but sooner or later every company owner may encounter difficulties associated with its implementation.

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Appraising of construction and agricultural equipment

The special equipment is used in construction, industries, within road-technical works, as well as in agriculture. Usually, divisions of state services or legal entities are its owners and for them equipment is an expensive business asset and the main production means (individuals usually rent special equipment, especially construction and utility equipment).

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Appraising of machinery and equipment

The market value of equipment and machinery is not constant. It is influenced by market conditions and the introduction of technical innovations and various subjective factors. Such processes as inflation and deflation play a crucial role here as well.

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Appraising of the ground transport

Today, we very often have situations when we want to appraise the car. The service for the appraising of the ground transport means determination of the value of the estimated vehicle in its current state on the current date.

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Appraising of the railway transport

The appraising of railway transport is a special type of appraising work and it is identified as a separate class, since this process is characterized by fundamental difference from the appraising of other assets.

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Damage evaluation

No one is insured from force majeure situations that cause material damage. Damage valuation, that is, evaluation of costs that will be incurred by a citizen or legal entity

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Evaluation of ancient values, items

Evaluation of antiques is a professional activity of establishing the value of antiques. It is carried out by evaluators - individuals and legal entities - using special rules and techniques. Type of antiques value depends on the objectives of the Appraising (market, investment, collateral, etc.).

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Jewelry evaluation

Evaluation of jewels and gems allows getting the most accurate and detailed information on jewelry. It is a special type of evaluation activity and is carried out by evaluators with expertise in mineralogy of gemstones, in basics of gemstone processing, and in technology of making jewelry.

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Water transport evaluation

We conduct a professional Appraising of all types of vessels (under construction, in service, decommissioned and emergency) - sea and river vessels, as well as mixed vessels:

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Air transport evaluation

Evaluation of air transport and aviation inventory is one of the activities of our company. The service for cost evaluation of aviation equipment involves the evaluation of aircraft (airplanes, helicopters) and other flight vehicle, as well as the evaluation of their individual components - for example, engines.

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Apartment Appraising

Independent apartment Appraising is one of the most sought-after services in the real estate market in Azerbaijan. The apartment value Appraising implies the determination of the market value of the right of ownership for the real property or other rights with respect to the real property being valued.

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Appraising of buildings, premises, structures

An order to assess buildings and structures is the most frequent and, at the same time, labor-intensive in terms of performance, such objects are considered first class pledged property. Also, Appraising of buildings and other property of an organization is necessary during reassessing its fixed assets. This procedure gives you opportunity to increase the value of the company assets, and make it attractive for potential investors.

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Land Plot Appraising

The land plot Appraising provides for the Appraising of various rights (the right of use, the right of rent and the right of ownership) for this property. The Appraising carried out by our specialists will give you opportunity to minimize all possible risks of losing money when conducting various land dealings.

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    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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