Appraising of machinery and equipment

The market value of equipment and machinery is not constant. It is influenced by market conditions and the introduction of technical innovations and various subjective factors. Such processes as inflation and deflation play a crucial role here as well. Thus, the appraising of equipment and machines should be carried out periodically, for appraising of their value to be consistent with the market realities. Equipment appraising is distinguished from other types of appraising by the diversity of the evaluated objects. It is a wide range of objects (from office property to industrial equipment) belonging to the category of movable property. In determination of the possible income from the sale or use of the appraised object, the appraiser takes into account its condition and degree of wear. The cost is calculated during the examination, comparing with the objects-analogues on the market. The final cost of equipment and machinery is determined by the total of the existing factors affecting it. The use of an integrated approach in appraising of machinery and equipment will ensure its objectivity and relevance.

Types of machinery and equipment

  • Technological lines;
  • Conveyors;
  • Machines and equipment for the extractive industries, metallurgy and chemical industry;
  • Technological equipment of light and food industry;
  • Other machinery and equipment;
  • Technological complex;
  • Serial technological equipment;
  • Special equipment;

The cases when appraising of the equipment and machinery is needed are shown below:

  • to determine the total value of different property types when a joint stock company is established or securities are issued;
  • to determine the cost of equipment and machines to use them in different qualities: to pay off debts and so on;
  • to determine the equipment price when establishing damage;
  • to appraise the cost of equipment with the intention to use it as mortgage;

Appraising of the cost of equipment and machinery is also necessary in the following cases:

  • forecast of investment projects;
  • determination of the property shares in the authorized capital during the disaffiliation of shareholders or in the case of profit sharing;

ROVEX qiymətləndirmə şirkəti avadanlıq və maşınların qiymətləndirilməsi sahəsində uzun illərə dayanan təcrübəsinə əsaslanaraq istənilən növ və dərinlikdə avadanlığın dəyərinin işlərin həcmi üzrə qiymətləndirilməsini üzərinə götürməyə hazırdır.

We provide extremely reliable information, by means of which you will be able to assess the loyalty of your actions and substantiate new, investment or management decisions. The exact cost of services can be known after performing an inspection of objects and familiarization with the primary information.

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