Land Plot Appraising

The land plot Appraising provides for the Appraising of various rights (the right of use, the right of rent and the right of ownership) for this property. The Appraising carried out by our specialists will give you opportunity to minimize all possible risks of losing money when conducting various land dealings.

Specialists of our company will provide the following services with high quality and in due time:

- Appraising of the lands plots for business purposes.

- Appraising of the lands plots for construction purposes;

- Appraising of the lands plots for agricultural purposes;

- Appraising of the lands plots for other purposes.

When do you need the land Appraising?

Appraisement of a land plot may be required for various actions with land in possession. As a rule, the Appraising is conducted when transferring property rights, as well as receiving funds as an investment or secured by a land plot. Most often, land Appraising is performed in the following cases:

  • when contacting the bank to get a loan;
  • contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise;
  • sale of the land plot;
  • inheritance of property;
  • development of a business plan;
  • division of common property;

The specifics of the subject for appraising

Like most of these events, the Appraising of a specific land plot is conducted in several stages. First of all, the expert gets acquainted with the current situation, determines the types of Appraising activities needed to be carried out. At the same step, based on the complexity and urgency of the forthcoming Appraising, the cost of the Appraising is defined. After the preliminary activities, an agreement is concluded between the initiator of the Appraising and the valuation company, which clearly shows the goals and tasks of the study, as well as questions that the specialist will have to answer at the end of the work.

At the next stage, the land plots are directly assessed. The expert studies the documentation submitted by the customer, assesses the methods chosen by the him/her, compares the results and calculates the final value of the land plot - market or other one. Depending on the task assigned to the expert.

At the last stage, the land Appraising expert forms an expert opinion - the main result of the expert’s activity and a document based on which the initiator of the Appraising can take the next steps or present it in court to confirm his/her position. The expert opinion must include a description of all conducted Appraising activities, their results, the final expert opinion. In addition, the opinion is accompanied by copies of all the documents studied, as well as documents of the valuation company, copies of diplomas, certificates of experts, and so on.

Expert opinion can be sent to the initiator of the Appraising personally in the office of the valuation company, and also delivered by mail or via courier service. The cost of land, specified in the opinion, is valid for six months from the date of its receipt. The only exception is the Appraising of land plots becoming property when a new owner enters the right of inheritance.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9