Air transport evaluation

Evaluation of air transport and aviation inventory is one of the activities of our company. The service for cost evaluation of aviation equipment involves the evaluation of aircraft (airplanes, helicopters) and other flight vehicle, as well as the evaluation of their individual components - for example, engines.

What cases is a helicopter or an aircraft evaluation required for?

Aircraft evaluation service is required for:

  • determining the value for purchase/sale
  • inheritance documentation
  • execution of collateral for a loan and insurance of company property
  • transfer of machinery and equipment for rent (leasing)
  • revaluation of fixed assets for calculating property tax
  • development of a business plan for the implementation of an investment project
  • transfer and documentation of any plants as a contribution to the share capital of another newly created or reorganized enterprise
  • liquidation and utilization of machinery and equipment facilities due to the impossibility or inexpediency of their further operation for intended purpose.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9